Terry Shields Pty Ltd trading as Parramatta Toyota, and Lexus of Parramatta is a private and large proprietary organisation under the s.45A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and holds obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
The purpose of this statement is to outline our approach to ensuring the Company and the workplace is compliant with federal and state legislation and provides ethical policies, processes to assess and minimise to reduce any risk in terms of Modern Slavery within the business or our supply chain. We are committed to ensuring our company maintains an effective system of corporate governance which is an integral part of the company’s culture and business practice excellence.
Background of Parramatta Toyota
As a franchisee of Toyota Motor Corporation since 1973, Parramatta Toyota carry’s on business as a Motor Vehicle Dealership in Sydney, New South Wales. TParramatta Toyota provides essential mobility and transportation services such as vehicle finance and insurance for sales, repairs and parts for Toyota and Lexus vehicles predominantly.
Structure, Operations, and Supply Chain
Terry Shields Pty Ltd trades as Parramatta Toyota, and Lexus of Parramatta. Both businesses provide the following operations, and equivalent supply chain stakeholders.
Terry Shields Pty Ltd
The Company’s corporate governance includes but is not limited to our Company Compliance and Improvement of regulations, legislation, policies, processes, and practices, Company Audit and Reporting which are monitored and reported by the Risk and Audit Committee on a 6monthly basis as set by its Directors. This collective approach forms Quality Assurance at Parramatta Toyota.
Our Risk Management Policy and practices including our Risk and Audit Committee oversees all premises, systems, policies, processes, equipment, and people to identify, evaluate, control, and report our internal and external sources of material risk. Our supply chain stakeholders are managed within this framework. Our Modern Slavery Statement was developed through the assessment and ongoing monitoring of our supply chain stakeholders against our Risk Management Framework as outlined below.
The Company’s approach and actions relating to Modern Slavery practices are to reduce and eliminate any Modern Slavery practices which includes providing a clear stance on the non-tolerance of any Modern Slavery mentality or practices; clear and concise expectations, decisions and language with suppliers which does not enable nor condone Modern Slavery; and clear and available feedback channels to the Company in order to address any concerns.
Monitoring and Reporting
The Company will continue to monitor and improve on its governance and compliance towards Modern Slavery within its organisation, and its supply chain stakeholders.